This section looks back at the process and timeline from project conception, development, consenting and pre-construction, up to the formal start of construction in September 2018.
You can find out more about the project's construction stages via our construction updates.
Detailed design and mitigation works, including drainage design and discussions on cropping schedule etc. These works will feed into the final project design
Consultation on and agreement of management plans which are required to be approved by the Local Planning Authorities
Community drop-in sessions to be arranged to further explain and discuss design and construction
Organisation and start-up of the ‘Local Liaison Committee’
Examination of the Triton Knoll electrical system ended
Development Consent Order awarded by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for the Electrical System
Onshore and offshore site investigation works taking place
Independent agricultural liaison, soil and drainage specialists brought on board to work with landowners
Statkraft sign agreement with RWE Innogy to jointly develop Triton Knoll
Submission of a consent application for the electrical system components of the offshore wind farm
Site Investigation campaign undertaken at offshore array site
Update on location of the onshore electrical infrastructure
Consultation with statutory bodies, landowners and communities on the electrical system
Formal consultation with statutory bodies, landowners and communities on the electrical system under the Planning Act (2008)
Electrical technology choice and locations of offshore and onshore cable route, onshore substation and any additional infrastructure is confirmed
Consultation with stakeholders on the alternative options for the location of the onshore elements of the project
Development consent awarded by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change for the offshore array
Secretary of State directs that the electrical system application can be submitted to the planning inspectorate
Change in capacity range of the project to up to 900MW
National Grid issue an offer to connect Triton Knoll offshore wind farm to the existing electricity transmission network at a substation at Bicker Fen
Offshore wind farm (Array) consent application submitted to the Infrastructure Planning commission and accepted for examination
Environmental, engineering and technical studies commence on the options for the electrical system infrastructure to understand what it will comprise and to identify sites and routes for the infrastructure
Formal consultation on the offshore wind farm component of the project
Alterations were made to the wind farm project based on the results of the studies and consultation undertaken. For example, the maximum number of offshore wind turbines was reduced from 333 to 288 in light of comments from nature conservation bodies and to mitigate potential impacts on birds. Review of options with National Grid for the onshore connection location for the project
Conclusion to the strategic options review undertaken with National Grid, new location to connect to the grid has been confirmed at Bicker Fen, south west of Boston, Lincolnshire
Consultation on onshore substation options.
Informed by National Grid that they were to undertake a new review of options for the onshore connection. Given the significant amount of time that it was anticipated to take to carry out this review, it was decided that Triton Knoll offshore wind farm would be progressed as two separate packages; the offshore wind farm itself and the electrical system
Offshore and onshore environmental surveys