Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm has said a huge “Thank You” to everyone who recently took the time to feed back into the latest community fund consultation exercise.
Nearly 200 responses have already been submitted by communities in the vicinity of the project’s onshore Electrical System, received both online, by post and handed in directly at a series of drop-in sessions held along the route.
innogy’s Jon Darling, senior project manager at Triton Knoll, said the response to the consultation has already exceeded expectations, and now the hard work will really get underway: “Triton Knoll will deliver a very carefully targeted fund. We think that it’s only fair that causes local to the new project infrastructure benefit the most from these new funds.
“We’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of feedback we’ve received so far, and by the really constructive and innovative ideas that we’ve picked up from the consultation drop-in sessions. The real hard work now begins, with a full assessment of the themes and priorities for the funds, how people want it to be managed locally, and how it will be administered in the future.”
Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm will support two funds:
- A £500,000 One-Off Construction Community Fund – which will be delivered to local areas neighbouring the onshore electrical system works. The fund will open for its first applications once the onshore construction works get underway, which is likely to be in mid-2018.
- An Annual Community Fund of £40,000 per year – which will focus on communities neighbouring the landfall location near Anderby Creek, as well as the above ground infrastructure at Bicker Fen, and which will be available for every year that this offshore wind farm is in operation.
During November, local communities were sent newsletters and hard copies of the questionnaires and freepost envelopes to return their feedback. There was also a dedicated online feedback form, in order to facilitate as many opportunities as possible to comment on how each of the funds should operate.
Responses are still arriving with the project team and will be accepted until the end of the year. Once all of the data is input and analysis undertaken, a report on preferences and the way forward will be produced and reported back locally. The project will then look to appoint a decision-making panel from within the local area, and will also look to appoint an administrator to deliver the practicalities of the fund locally.
Triton Knoll is an innogy-owned(1) offshore wind farm, and has a planned installed capacity of 860MW capable of supplying the equivalent of over 800,000 UK households per year(2), with renewable electricity. The project was awarded a Contract For Difference(3) in September 2017, and expects to trigger a capital expenditure investment of around £2billion into much needed UK energy infrastructure. This will enable the delivery of some of the lowest cost energy generation for UK consumers.
It is now progressing towards a financial investment decision likely in 2018 with full onshore construction starting shortly after, and offshore construction starting in 2020. First energy generation could be as early as mid-Q1 2021, with the project expecting to begin commissioning in 2021.
For more information about Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm, please visit: www.tritonknoll.co.uk
Media Contacts
Mark Fleming
Triton Knoll Communications Manager M: 07825 608096 |
Editors’ notes
- Ownership
Triton Knoll is 100% owned by Innogy Renewables UK Ltd (innogy).
(2) Energy Generation
It is estimated that the average annual generation expected at the site could be equivalent to the approximate domestic needs of an expected minimum of 800,000 average UK households.
Energy predicted to be generated by the proposal is derived using wind speeds monitored in the local area and correlated with long term reference data. The energy capture predicted and hence derived homes equivalent figure may change as further data are gathered.
Equivalent homes supplied is based on an annual electricity consumption per home of 4100 kWh. This figure is supported by recent domestic electricity consumption data available from The Digest of UK Energy Statistics and household figures from the UK National Statistics Authority.”
(3) CFD award and consents
Triton Knoll was awarded a Contract for Difference on Monday 11 September 2017.
In July 2013, the Secretary of State granted consent for the offshore array element of the project (turbines, offshore substations, inter array cables etc). In September 2016, the Secretary of State also granted a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Electrical System (ES) which connects the power generated from the offshore array into the national grid onshore. The ES consent includes the offshore export cable, the onshore underground export cable, an intermediate electrical compound at Orby, and a new substation at Bicker Fen, ultimately ensuring the delivery of energy potentially into an anticipated 800,000 UK homes once the wind farm is fully operational.
About innogy SE
innogy SE is Germany’s leading energy company, with revenue of around €44 billion (2016), more than 40,000 employees and activities in 16 countries across Europe. With its three business segments Grid & Infrastructure, Retail and Renewables, innogy addresses the requirements of a modern, decarbonised, decentralised and digital energy world. Its activities focus on its
23 million customers, and on offering them innovative and sustainable products and services which enable them to use energy more efficiently and improve their quality of life. The key markets are Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as several countries in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, especially the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In renewable power generation, the company is also active in other regions, e.g. Spain, Italy and the MENA region (Middle East, North Africa), with a total capacity of 3.7 gigawatts. As a leader of innovation in future-oriented fields like eMobility, we are represented in the international hot-spots of the technology industry such as Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, London and Berlin. We combine the extensive expertise of our energy technicians and engineers with digital technology partners, from start-ups to major corporates. With planned capital investments of around €6.5- €7.0 billion (2017-2019), we are building the power market of the future and driving forward the transformation of the energy market.
With an installed capacity of more than 900 megawatts in offshore wind and with over 1900 megawatts in onshore wind, innogy is one of the major operators in Europe. We plan, build and operate plants to generate power and extract energy from renewable sources. Our aim is to take the expansion of renewables in Europe further in the short term, both on our own and working with partners. We believe that working together in this way is the key to making the energy transition a success. Currently, we are particularly strongly represented in our home market, Germany, followed by the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands and Poland. At the moment we are focusing on continuing to expand our activities in onshore and offshore wind power. We are also looking at entering new markets and technologies, such as large-scale photovoltaic plants.
Further information: www.innogy.com