Triton Knoll conducted two separate consultation exercises in respect of The Community Fund.
Phase 1 consultation
The first round of consultation on the Community Fund ran from 27 January 2015 to 26 February 2015. There was a good response from the community to the consultation, providing valuable feedback which has helped us shape the second round of consultation. All responses were collated and reviewed, and a full report can be viewed on the Communities pages of our website.
Following initial feedback we made the following changes:
* The £500,000 one-off construction fund will now be delivered to local areas located around the onshore electrical system works.
* The £40,000 annual community fund will also include communities neighbouring the landfall location as well as the above ground infrastructure.
Phase 2 Consultation
The Phase 2 consultation ran from 6 November 2017 and closed at 5pm on 4 December 2017.
Communities were invited to feedback (see below) on the two parts of the The Community Fund, relating to the Triton Knoll onshore electrical system works. They are:
* £500,000 allocated during the onshore construction works – the “ONE OFF CONSTRUCTION FUND.”
* £40,000 “ANNUAL COMMUNITY FUND” which will be made available to communities neighbouring the above ground onshore electrical infrastructure (substation) and the landfall location for the lifetime of the project.
Consultation was open to everyone, and anyone was invited to respond. The areas neighbouring the onshore electrical system were mostly targeted so that we could gather the views of those most affected by the construction of Triton Knoll.
Phase 2 consultation methods
- Hard copies of formal consultation information were sent to all households within a radius of 5km of the substation, 3km of the landfall and within 1km of the onshore cable route.
- Formal consultation information was sent to all Parish Council’s in both hard and electronic copy.
- Drop in sessions were held at various venues along the cable route, from Wednesday 8 November to Thursday 16 November, so that local people could meet and talk directly with the project team.
- An online questionnnaire was available via the website.
- Hard copy questionnaires were available, and returned via freepost.
- Hard copies of the consultation information was made available on request.
- Consultation was opened to both individuals and groups.