Triton Knoll Community Fund – How it works

The following is an overview of the Triton Knoll Community Fund and how it works.

The One Off Construction Fund – now closed for applications

- The £500,000 one off construction fund has now closed for applications and all funding has been successfully delivered to local projects. Applications were reviewed by a Decision Making Panel made up of local volunteers to ensure the best decisions were made for communities.

- All eligible applicants / projects, located within 3km of the landfall location, 5km of the substation location and 1km of the onshore cable route were able to apply for funding.

- Applications were managed by the Lincolnshire Community Foundation.

- In total, 57 separate projects were successful in bidding for funding. Awards have also been diverse in nature with grants being awarded for traffic calming systems, play equipment and musical instruments amongst lots of other things important to local people.

- A list of all successful applicants across the separate funding rounds can be found on our main Community Fund page.

The Annual Fund - now open for applications

- The Annual Fund opened for applications on 1st April 2021 and the first round of applications will close on 28th May 2021. The Annual Fund will deliver £40,000 of funding annually into areas neighbouring the Onshore Substation and Landfall locations.

- The Lincolnshire Community Foundation will administer the fund and applications will be open to all projects and groups located within 3km of the Landfall and 5km of the Onshore Substation.

- A decision making panel made up of local volunteers will be established to ensure that the correct decisions are made for local communities. If you are interested in becoming a panel member, please contact Katie Littlewood by emailing

- The funding will be available for the operational life-time of the offshore wind farm (expected to be up to 25 years).

Making an application

Further details around making an application to the Triton Knoll Annual Community Fund can be found on the Lincolnshire Community Foundation website. The Lincolnshire Community Foundation will act as administrator of the fund and are available should you have any queries around making an application. To find out more information, please contract Katie Littlewood using the details below.

Katie Littlewood, Lincolnshire Community Foundation: email:  telephone: 01529 305825.

Photos above show some of the community projects already supported through the Triton Knoll Community Fund.


We have conducted two consultations with local communities to help to decide how the Community Fund will operate, who will be eligible to apply for funding and also who should administer the fund.

The first consultation was undertaken in early 2015 and provided valuable feedback from which we were able to establish draft proposals. We consulted further on these draft fund proposals in late 2017. There was a good response from the community to both consultations. All responses were collated and reviewed, and reports explaining the outcomes of each consultation were produced.

To read each of the reports in full, please follow the links below:

One Off Construction Fund Report

Annual Community Fund Report

You can also look back at how both consultation exercises were conducted, by using the link here.

Consultation Feedback and Final Funding Mechanism

Following feedback we received during consultations undertaken over a number of years, we were able to confirm the final mechanisms of the Triton Knoll Community Fund. We listened carefully to local feedback and as a result made a number of changes to the structure of the funds. They included:

- The inclusion of communities neighbouring the landfall location in the annual fund eligibility area.

- An increase to the maximum funding that can be applied for with regards to the one off construction fund from £10,000 to £50,000.

- The organisations able to apply for funding to ensure that all grants are received exclusively by the local communities neighbouring our onshore works.

- The organisation responsible for managing and administering the funds.