Grid connection point
A robust process was followed in conjunction with National Grid to determine the appropriate interface point at which to connect the wind farm’s electricity into the existing national grid network.
The interface selection assessment report sets out the detailed process that was followed and explains the rationale behind the final selection of the existing Bicker Fen substation, near to Boston.
To view the Interface Selection Assessment Report (ISAR), click here.
Site selection process
A robust site selection process was followed throughout the development of the Triton Knoll electrical system, which has taken on board a large amount of consultation information resulting in the locations that are now set out in the project consent documents.
The Site Selection and Design Report (SSDR) explains the rationale for the selection of the:
- Landfall to the north of Anderby Creek
- Offshore cable corridor route, connecting the offshore array to the landfall
- Site of the Intermediate Electrical Compound (IEC), near to Orby
- Site of the new Triton Knoll substation, near to Bicker
Onshore cable corridor route, connecting the landfall, IEC (which has now been removed and is no longer part of the project design) and substation.
To view the Site Selection and Design Report (SSDR) click on the links below:
- Main report (file size approx. 36MB)
- Part 2
- Part 3
IEC removed from design
Following award of the Triton Knoll Electrical System DCO we conducted further design developments to further optimise the project. On 21 September 2017, we announced an update to our final design which removed the need for an Intermediate Electrical Compound which was originally planned to be constructed near the village of Orby.
For more information about the removal of the Intermediate Electrical compound from the project design, please click here .
To view the press announcement relating to the removal of the IEC, please click here.