Ground investigation works are continuing at a number of locations across the onshore Electrical System over the coming month, with our contractors set to undertake borehole and some minor trial trenching surveys.
The surveys are taking place along the Triton Knoll permanent access track starting from the A17 access and working towards the Triton Knoll substation. Further borehole testing is also continuing at locations along the onshore cable route. We expect the work to last around 5 weeks.
The results of this ongoing programme of testing will help to fine tune the cable designs and the forthcoming horizontal directional drill (HDD) campaign, which are each key parts of the onshore construction works.
Local residents may also notice our various contractors’ staff and vehicles over the next few weeks, which are each supporting the works. These will be range from our contractors’ transit vans and 4 x 4s to slightly larger, digger and excavator like plant. There may be some sound from the machinery in use at the time, but this is likely to only be audible close to the site of the investigation works. Otherwise, the various activities should have very little impact locally.