Safety at Triton Knoll

Triton Knoll is the largest offshore wind farm currently being constructed by RWE. It's a nationally significant UK infrastructure project which, at its busiest period, will see up to 3,000 people working on the project both directly and through our contractors.

Use these pages to see how safety plays a key role in our project and the communities around us.

Instagram @tritonknollsafety

Our latest Instagram posts, supporting our safety campaigns.

Safety Campaigns

We regularly run safety campaigns internally in order to ensure we achieve the high levels of safety that we aspire to on the project. While these are focused on our team, the messages are equally as valid for everyone, in everyday life.

Drive Safe campaign



Safety Champions Awards

Well done to Shane Hall from Murphy Group for winning the 2020 Quarter 1 Triton Knoll Safety Champion Award for his outstanding contribution to safety while working on the project. Shane has lead by example in intervening a potentially hazardous situation and making it safe. Shane has won our prestigious cable trophy made from a cross section of the cable from the cable route. A big thank you to all the nominees for helping everyone to get #HomeSafe