Teaching Resources and Teachers Pack

Would you like to tell youngsters about the diversity of careers and jobs associated with projects like Triton Knoll?

Our Careers in Offshore Wind film, in-depth careers case studies and lesson plans will enable you to do so with ease.

The materials are aimed at Key Stage 3 – but can be adapted to a wider age range (12-18). They can be delivered as individual lessons or as an enrichment day.


Teaching Pack

This teaching pack meets Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3, 4 and 5 for key stage 3 students.

Please click on the headings below to download the various teaching pack materials:

1) Lesson plans

2) Activity 1 Careers Matching

3) Activity 2 Map crib sheet

4) Activity 3 Wind Farm Design Calculation student sheet

5) Facilitator Paper for Classroom Activities 2 & 3



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Careers Film and case studies

Our film Careers in Offshore Wind introduces renewable energy, and how an offshore wind farm is created. Its main focus is to provide an overview of the myriad of different careers involved.

It showcases:
1) Great people with a diversity of backgrounds and roles working on a fascinating project
2) Working in renewable energy, people can make a practical difference to tackling climate change
3) Studying STEM subjects in particular at school can open doors to interesting training, studies and exciting jobs.

Link it up with the individual case studies in the Faces of Triton Knoll section of this website.

Gatsby Benchmarked for key stage 3

Jen Vincent, Humber UTC Business Engagement Lead: “We have developed a series of resources with Triton Knoll that will be available to schools to use in tutor time, 1-hour classroom activities and half day activities. Our year 9 students have piloted these; developing their understanding of renewable energy and how a wind farm comes together. These resources meet Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3, 4 and 5 for key stage 3 students, and feedback has been wholly positive. We look forward to hearing how other schools use the information. Thank you to Triton Knoll for bringing a wealth of information and videos for us to adapt into classroom activities with them.”



Renewables jobs growth to 2030 and beyond

The offshore wind workforce is projected to triple by 2030.

In partnership with government, the offshore wind sector has flourished, demonstrating it can deliver ever larger projects to predictable timescales, at ever lower costs while creating skilled, fulfilling, well-paid jobs in communities around the country.

There are more than 430,000 jobs in low carbon businesses and their supply chains, employing people in locations right across the country and 7,200 are directly employed in offshore wind.