The project team for Triton Knoll is currently preparing an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Triton Knoll Electrical System which will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate at the end of April 2015.
Following the statutory consultation on the Triton Knoll Electrical System (TKES) in Autumn 2014, a detailed consultation report is being prepared as part of the Development Consent Order application which will include responses to all the feedback. We are very grateful for all the comments received and where possible we have incorporated them into our application. As a result of these comments, and on-going discussions with stakeholders, a number of changes have been made to the project order limits, and these include:
- amendments to the offshore order limits based on feedback from aggregate dredging stakeholders;
- amendments to the onshore order limits, including;
- amendments to the cable route, temporary construction compounds and construction access routes and survey, fencing and operational access routes based on landowner feedback and updated engineering requirements;
- amendments to a access for use by construction vehicles based on feedback from the Lincolnshire Coastal Grazing Marsh Project;
- an extension to the cable route, within National Grid land, to the south-east of the existing National Grid Bicker Fen substation to reach a potential connection ‘bay’ location within the southern end of the existing National Grid compound, based on discussions with National Grid;
- a small decrease in the land required at the landfall with the selection of the northern field for siting of transition joint bays and landfall works, based on updated engineering requirements;
- a small increase in land required to the south of the IEC for landscaping based on Local Authority feedback; and
- a decrease in the area required to the south and east of the substation for landscaping and drainage based on updated engineering requirements and landowner feedback.
Other changes and details of those listed above are outlined in the consultation report. The consultation report, along with all other application documents, will be available from the Planning Inspectorate website after the application has been accepted for examination. In addition, a newsletter will be available on our website in the summer to update you further on the project. In the meantime if you would like any further information about Triton Knoll, please